The Supporting Foundation for Youth Art in Cuyahoga Falls
Join us as we celebrate youth art
CFCS All City Art Walk
April 25, 2024
The Cuyahoga Falls City Schools, in partnership with Cuyahoga Falls city leaders, local businesses and the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools Visual Art Booster host this free, family-friendly celebration of youth art. This year, 2025, marks our 11th annual event. The Art Walk includes artworks on display by Cuyahoga Falls student artists in kindergarten through 12th grade, along with make-and-take art activities, incredible student music performances, professional artist demonstrations, fun photo opportunities, interactive art, over 60 businesses featuring student made window cling art, and more. “The CFCS All City Art Walk connects education with business and business with community through the eyes of students.”
Special Projects & Awards
We need your ideas! Our art students are collecting the community’s thoughts about home to help inspire a mural for the new 6-12 building. Please take 3 minutes to respond to our 4 question survey. Shout out to Abishak Gajmer a CFHS senior artist for this incredible painting depicting symbols of home.
Help Support Our Youth Artists
11th Annual All City Art Walk
April 25, 2025 5-8pm
Click Below to Sponsor/Donate